The Beaches await your arrival. Rich in history, Fine dining, Shopping galore!
The Beaches, also known as 'The Beach' is Toronto's best known waterfront neighbourhood second only to the main Toronto Harbour
area which is adjacent south to Toronto downtown. Toronto Harbourfront and it's beaches have a long and colourful past, they
are an important part of our history.
If you've never visited the Toronto Beaches area before, you're in for an exciting time. And if you think you're familiar with
'The Beaches', you might be surprised at some new and fascinating things to discover.
The first European family to settle in the area were the Ashbridges, who were United Empire Loyalists -- Americans who had
sided with the British in the American Revolution. The Ashbridges settled along the lakeshore in the year Toronto was founded,
1793, and remarkably, one of their later homesteads still sits today on a large lot at the corner of Queen and Connaught.
Like most places beyond the city limit, the Beaches attracted scattered settlements in the 1800s, particularly along the road
to Kingston (Kingston Road), which skirted over the top of the area. The real change came, however, in the 1870s, when
transportation to the area improved with streetcars along Queen, and day-excursion steamers docking at Victoria Park.
Victorian Toronto flocked to the sand and cool breezes, and many people camped in tents or built simple summer cottages in
which to stay overnight. Names such as Balmy Beach, Kew Beach and Victoria Park recall the days when small settlements of
cottages, inns and amusement parks were clustered along the shore. By the early 1900s, when Toronto was expanding rapidly,
many of the simple cottages were transformed into permanent homes, and most vacant land was subdivided for residential
neighbourhoods. The days of tenting along the beach were over.
Toronto Eastern Beaches hosts annual music festivals and fairs. It also features tennis courts, sailing, canoeing, windsurfing,
rollerblading, bicycling, swimming, lawn bowling, and kite flying.
In the 20th century, the neighbourhood remained quietly tucked away in the southeast corner of the city, until the baby boom
brought more change. In the 1970s, young professional people, attracted by the affordable homes and relaxed atmosphere, moved
in to the area, and within a decade, the value of a modest Beaches home had skyrocketed.
Today, old residents and new still watch every summer as overheated Torontonians migrate to the beach and fill the many
restaurants, shops and bars that line Queen Street East.
Here you will find information on 'The Beaches' restaurants, hotels, bed and breakfasts, parks and maps. Info on the 'Beaches
Jazz Festival' and much more.
Click here for an area map and directions from your starting location.
The Beaches Restaurants
Welcome to the Toronto Beaches restaurant guide. This guide is prepared for the total convenience of tourists. Restaurants
are categorized by type and in address sequence. Once you are on Queen street, the main strip of the Toronto Beaches area
you will also find other fine places which are located off the main strip, in order to keep the main tourist area in focus we
display listings of establishments located only on Queen street, where the action is.
The restaurants at Toronto Beaches area offer tantalizing delights and a wide variety of wines from all over the globe.
Here you will also find links and info on Dining rooms, Cafes, Coffee shops, Sandwich style establishments and fast food
To use our 'prepared for tourists convenience' guide, please click here:
'The Beaches' Restaurants
The Beach and Boardwalk
The Beach and the Boardwalk are located South of Queen Street.
For further info, please click here
Summer Safety
Water, Boating, Hiking, Camping Safety
Beat The Heat - Safety Tips
Outdoor Exercise during Heat and Smog alerts
Help Toronto Pets Beat The Heat
Medications & Heat-related Illness
Heat, Drugs and Alcohol
Beaches Jazz Festival
The Beaches International Jazz Festival in 2004 delivered its 16th year of continuous non-stop music which played host to
900,000 festival goers. This years attendance was the best so far topping’s last years attendance of 750,000. The festival
which took place from July 16-25th played host to a great variety of events and attractions.
More about the Toronto Beaches Jazz Festival